Dede Fafa Eyram Attiogbe

Board member (Togo)

Dede has been involved in the YWCA movement for nearly 14 years, and is a leader at YWCA Togo, where she pioneered their first-ever youth section and works with young people to raise funds to provide school kits to girls in need. Additionally, Dede created “Vacending,” a safe space project that she has coordinated for the past three years aimed at empowering girls. 

In addition to the World YWCA Board, Dede currently serves on the Nomination Committee and the National Board of YWCA Togo. Previously, she served as the youth coordinator at YWCA Togo. With her experience across different levels of nonprofit social justice work, Dede brings robust analysis and understanding of advocacy, governance structure, and youth leadership to her work. 

Fluent in French, English, and German, Dede holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Ghana, and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at the University of Buea in Cameroon. She is passionate about advocacy and human rights, with a focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment. She occasionally appears on an English radio program to discuss various topics related to women, girls, and youth.